Title: Equus
Size: 5″x7″
Edition: 25
Medium: Toned Silver Gelatin Print on Fiber Paper
Price: $100 Signed
Available at Fraction Holiday Print Sale.
Print + Book Bundle:
Title: “Ken Rosenthal : Photographs 2001-2009″ w/ a print of Equus
Size: Catalogue + 5″x7” print
Edition: 25
Medium: Toned Silver Gelatin Print on Fiber Paper with a softbound book.
Price: $125 Signed
Available at Fraction Holiday Print Sale.
Ken’s website.
There is something about clouds that capture our imagination.
In Ken Rosenthal’s photograph, Equus, we see the shape, imagine the form, of a horse comprised of the same ethereal condensed vapor it is galloping from, mane flowing, captured for a fleeting moment before it dissipates and disappears.
I remember lying on my back in the grass as a boy, surrounded by friends, looking straight up at the sky, pointing out each cloud overhead, calling names of things we saw in their changing shapes – hand, face, dog. We would lie on the ground for what seemed hours, but in reality was only minutes, laughing, dreaming, before we rose, bare legs and arms itchy from the grass, to follow another pursuit.
How often have we, as adults, taken the time to lie in the grass, surrounded by friends, looked straight up at the sky, pointed out each cloud overhead, given names to things we saw in their changing shapes?
Hand, face, dog, equus.